Log Cabin - Deconstruct

Log Cabin - Deconstruct
Log Cabin - Deconstruct, 2023
Line/Loop/Line, Australian Tapestry Workshop (MELB) Nov 23 - Feb 24
Line/Loop/Line shows the work of seven artists who explore the language of geometric abstraction in textiles through manipulating patterns, lines, stripes, shapes, repetition and colour. These artists employ cloth and coil weaving, quilting and tapestry, the handmade and machine made.
The act of weaving is a series of complex spatial and mathematical decisions replicated in different variations. Pattern, repetition and geometry are at the core of weaving: threads that intersect - going under and over, around and through, lines that loop through other lines.
Most textiles are destined to conform to the back-and-forth lines these algorithmic constraints dictate, meaning weaving is perfectly placed to depict geometric abstraction – grids, lines, stripes. The playful interaction of shapes in a colour field, the sensory clash of colours, expressed through the tactile sensibility of woven textiles.
Artwork statement:
Materials and forms can uncover underlying connections between different cultures and crafts, humanity and nature. The technique of patchwork has been used to piece and build compositional complexities, responding to the materials in a bold and improvisational aesthetic. These patchworks examine the bending of conventional quilt geometries, where half square triangles (HST), log cabins and strip piecing take on a fluid and abstract quality.
Reclaimed & hand-loomed natural fibres (wool, silk, linen & cotton), 100% natural dyes, hand dyed, machine pieced, hand embroidered.
Plant dye source - Allocasuarina verticillata, Acacia longifolia & Rubia tinctorum
25 x 33 cm, natural Vic Ash box frame
This work is currently exhibited at The Australian Tapestry Workshop. It will be available for purchase shortly. Please contact if you are interested.